Thursday, October 30, 2014

Class day # 11

Hello everyone!

Last Tuesday we reviewed family members and possessive. 
To practice possessives go to the following LINK

Remember that next Tuesday we have the Mid term exam. The topics to review are:

  • Teacher language
  •   Student Language
  •   Greetings
  •   Introducing Yourself and others
  •   Making conversation WS
  •   Personal Pronouns
  •   Numbers 1-100
  •   Colors
  •   Verb to-be Positive/Negative/Questions
  •   Personal Information Questions
  •   Countries and Nationalities
  •   Jobs and Occupations
  •   A/AN determiners
  •   Family Members
  •   Possessive Adjectives
  •   Have/Has

No se olviden del parrafo de 150 palabras que deben subir al blog en el link Project 1, tiene un valor del 20% del examen.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Class day # 10


On Thursday we reviewed Wh questions and Yes/No questions using the verb to be.
After that, we learned the vocabulary for family members. 
Check the following videos and practice!

   Exercise 1

Now create your own family tree including names and the English word for each member and bring it to class. 

Follow the example:

Possessives Adjectives
To practice possessives go to the following LINK

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Class day # 9

Excellent Job with the presentations!

On Tuesday we reviewed occupations and then we studied the verb to-be positive-negative-questions.
Check out this video.

Now please practice!
Exercise 7     

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Class days 7 and 8

Hello everyone!

On Tuesday we reviewed the topics that we had online for class # 6.
On Thursday we had a quiz to review personal information questions, colors and verb to-be affirmative.

On Thursday we also talk about A/ AN determiners.
Check this out!

Now practice!

More Exercises
Exercise 4

Then we talk about Jobs and Occupations


Please check the following exercises to practice:

See you on Tuesday!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Class day # 6 ONLINE

Hello everyone!
Congratulations! I see that many of you have been working hard. 
Keep up with the good job!

Today we'll start with Personal Information Questions.
Please watch the following videos and practice pronunciation.

Introducing People

Countries and Nationalities

Let's complete now the second part of the "Making Conversation" worksheet that you have.

Now complete this form:
Haz click en SAVE y se guardara el archivo en tu computador, luego lo imprimes y lo realizas.
Tambien la envio a tu correo junto con otro ejercicio.

Complete the following exercise:

See you next Tuesday!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Class day # 5 ONLINE

Hello everyone!
This class is online, please make sure you take the time to go over each item.
Today we will start by learning the colors. 
Click on Colors in this page. 

After you finish studying the colors please go on to study the Verb to-be in the affirmative form.
Click on Verb to-be in this page.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Class day # 4

Today we had such a fun class!

After playing tingo, tingo, tango, we practiced numbers 1 - 100. 
Watch the following videos and then do the exercises.

Do matching exercises 1,2,and 3.
Do fill in and dictation exercises.

Now practice math operations!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Class day # 3

Hello Guys!!!

On Tuesday we had a great group of students, very active and enthusiastic. 

First we talk about Short and Long "a". Watch this video to review:

We then discuss the difference between  Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mss.

And we completed and practiced exercises a and b on the "Making conversation" worksheet.

Then  we talk about Personal Pronouns.
Look at this video: